

Photography by Nacho Rodríguez

Pantalones/Pants: Blanco
Suéters/Sweaters: Bershka
Pañuelo/Handkerchief head: Tienda de segunda mano/Thrift store
Collar/Necklace: Bereber/Berber
Botines/Booties: Pull&Bear
Chaqueta/Jacket: Bershka

Y durante un instante el horizonte resplandeció… Un cielo mágico, de colores de otro planeta, como si del cielo de Marte se tratase. Y nosotros, cual marcianos fuimos testigos de ese momento.

Las esculturas egipcias del Templo de Debod en Madrid fueron el marco de la luz cegadora que se topaba con diversas siluetas.

Y por si el contraluz no te deja ver el outfit: pantalones tartán y superposición de verde y amarillo en la parte de arriba. Dos colores que además integran el clásico estampado (de nuevo tendencia) de los pantalones.
Como toque étnico, collar berebere, obsequio de un amigo árabe.

Y como si el fin del mundo deviniera, el ocaso dio por consumido el día. Un final que es, a su vez, el principio de algo nuevo.


And for a moment the horizon shone ... A magical sky with colors from another planet, as if it were the sky of Mars. And as Martians, we witnessed that moment.

The Egyptian sculptures of the Temple of Debod in Madrid were the frame of the blinding light that encountered with different silhouettes.

And if the backlight does not let you see the outfit: plaid pants and overlapping green and yellow on top. Two colors that also make up the classic pants pattern (trend again).
As ethnic touch, Berber necklace, a gift from an Arab friend.

And as if the end of the world had come, the sunset consumed the day. An ending that is, in turn, the beginning of something new.



1 comentario:

  1. Really awesome outfit. These photos turned out beautiful too! Photographing during sunset can be tough but you guys did a great job.

